Your Complete Guide to Dog Care and Dog Training.
Instincts and Behavior
Selecting Your Dog
The New Puppy
Dog Nutrition
Dog Grooming
Dog Training
Raising a Dog in the City
Suburban – Country Dog
Problem Dogs
Your Dog and the Law
The Dog’s Body
Four Major Dog Diseases
Diseases and Ailments
Internal Parasites
Fleas, Lice and Ticks
Skin Conditions
First Aid for Accidents
Nursing the Sick Dog
Mating and Prenatal Care
Care of the Aging Dog
Dog Partners
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We’ve written the book on dog training, dog obedience and dog behavior training. You’ll find up-to-date information on how to train and take care of your dog.
Dog Training and Care
There is a need for up-to-date information on the care and training of our fast-growing dog population.
Keeping pace with the growth of the dog population are advances in canine medicine and surgery, nutrition, dog behavior and obedience training. All of these are of invaluable help in keeping our dogs the best-fed and best-cared for pets in the world.
This web site,, is up-to-date and contains useful information. It is the distillation of more than twenty years of experience with dogs and the people who owned them. Reading it will not make you a dog expert, but it will help make you an expert on your dog.
Dog Training
Teach the pup to sit as his first lesson. There are several good reasons why you should start with this command. First, sitting comes naturally to dogs since they often sit to rest. Two, teaching the pup to sit is relatively easy, a lesson that he will learn very quickly. Three, you will find the sit position an excellent base or jump-off spot from which to launch the other commands. When the pup is sitting, he is quiet and under control. The sit position is akin to the five basic foot positions of the ballet dancer. From the five positions, the ballet dancer can execute any number of steps or combinations, from an entre chat to a capriole.
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Make no attempt to heel the dog off the leash until he is letter-perfect on the leash. If he still makes errors walking on the leash, whether heeling or turning, eliminate them before proceeding to off-the-leash training.
The first step in the off-leash training is to suggest to the dog that he is not being restrained, except when he makes a mistake. You do this by exerting no hold or strain on the leash (although you should be ready to make a quick correction). Give the dog a warm-up of the lessons he knows, then order him into the sit-stay position. Attach the leash to the slipchain and stick the end of the leash into your pocket or drape it over your shoulder. This will take the pressure off the leash. In a sense, this is similar to the dual controls of a trainer airplane. The novice holds onto one control stick, the instructor has the other. But the instructor has a light grasp on the controls, allowing the novice to fly the plane. He’s ready to take over at the first error or sign of danger. So it is with you and the pup; he’s really walking unrestrained, but you are ready to take over when necessary.
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Your Complete Guide to Dog Care and Dog Training.