Your Complete Guide to Dog Care and Dog Training.
Instincts and Behavior
Selecting Your Dog
The New Puppy
Dog Nutrition
Dog Grooming
Dog Training
Raising a Dog in the City
Suburban – Country Dog
Problem Dogs
Your Dog and the Law
The Dog’s Body
Four Major Dog Diseases
Diseases and Ailments
Internal Parasites
Fleas, Lice and Ticks
Skin Conditions
First Aid for Accidents
Nursing the Sick Dog
Mating and Prenatal Care
Care of the Aging Dog
Dog Partners
Home Nursing of the Sick Dog
Intelligent home nursing and professional veterinary advice will speed your dog’s recovery from a serious illness or injury. When the veterinarian discharges the dog from the hospital and commits him to your care, it will be up to you to give medicine, administer to the dog’s daily needs and nurse him through his convalescence. The veterinarian expects you to see to it that the dog gets his medicine and he will also expect you to keep him informed of the dog’s progress. Fortified with the information in this section, you will be able to do a competent job of nursing your dog back to health.
The Sick Room
Equipment and Utensils
Progress Chart
Daily Temperature
Giving the Dog His Medicine
Cleaning the Sick Dog
Giving the Dog an Enema
Feeding the Sick Dog
Dressing and Bandages
Your Complete Guide to Dog Care and Dog Training.