Skin Conditions

Your Complete Guide to Dog Care and Dog Training.

Skin Conditions

Nonparasitic Skin Conditions
Eczema Nasi (Collie Nose)
Alopecia (Baldness)

In addition to irritations caused by fleas, lice and ticks, dogs are often plagued by chronic or acute skin conditions and disease. There are various causes of skin diseases, among them mites, fungi, faulty metabolism, poor diet and allergy. Veterinarians probably treat more cases involving the skin than any other single disease.

Generally, skin conditions are considered to be of parasitic or nonparasitic origin. The parasitic conditions include those caused by insects, mites and minute plants. Fleas and lice are examples of parasitic insects. Ticks and mange mites are parasitic mites. And the fungi causing ringworms and favus are examples of the parasitic plants. The nonparasitic skin conditions include those caused by micro-organisms, faulty metabolism, poor diet, mechanical irritation (rubbing and scratching, for instance) and allergy to chemicals, pollen, plants, etc.

The treatment of skin conditions and diseases, especially those suspected of being of allergic origin, is often complex and long drawn out. In the case of some of the minor skin conditions, you will be able to help the dog. In others that are more serious or persistent, you will have to seek veterinary advice.

Your Complete Guide to Dog Care and Dog Training.